Press Release for September, 2008 Exhibit
Addison Woolley Gallery

Contact: Susan Porter – (207) 775-0678 –

Portland, ME., August 21, 2008 -- Addison Woolley is proud to present a very special exhibit for photographer, Victor Romanyshyn in September. Poet John Moncure Wetterau, whose life as a writer began after a youthful adventure in Key West involving shrimp boats and a hotel described as The Southernmost Hotel in the United States, is a friend and neighbor of Romanyshyn’s on Peaks Island. Over the winter of 2007- 2008 he wrote 21 poems inspired by 21 of Victor’s photographs.

In the introduction to the catalogue for the exhibit, Wetterau states, “These are attempts to hear voices in silent images. To really see and hear, you have to get small, get yourself out of the way. Over the course of the winter, the prints became like zen koans, the project an unexpected movement toward freedom, poems like footsteps.”

An additional, and welcome, aspect of the exhibit will be pottery by Pam Williamson and Rick Boyd whose pieces are often featured in Romanyshyn’s still lifes. Williamson and Boyd are showing courtesy of Domain Gallery.

The exhibit will show both black and white and color photographs by Romanyshyn, capturing the majestic seas and skies of the back shore of Peaks Island, sensitive bird portraits, a few shots from a road trip to Lubec and his beautiful still lifes that include one of his paintings as backdrop for the elegant compositions. Interspersed among the photographs will be the 21 poems.

Photographs – Poems

September 3rd – 27th, 2008
Opening Reception – Friday, September 5th, 5 – 8 p.m.
First Friday Art Walk

Addison Woolley Gallery and Center for Photographic Inquiry
87 Market Street
Portland, ME. 04101
(207) 775-0678
